About Miramar PAL
Welcome to Miramar Police Athletic Activities
Developing Youth Leaders Through Community Partnerships That Foster Effective Mentoring, Tutoring And Coaching Programs Incorporated in 1989, MIRAMAR PAL in cooperation with the Miramar Police Department and City of Miramar provides year-round educational and athletic youth related activities to youth between the ages of 3 and 17 years old and their families. Students over the age of 17 may serve as volunteers in our senior PAL program while adult volunteers serve as mentors, tutors, coaches and referees.
MIRAMAR PAL provides mentoring, tutoring and coaching opportunities in both competitive and non-competitive settings to over 1,200 youth.
The mission of the MIRAMAR PAL is to provide educational, athletic, civic and crime prevention activities for youth in a safe environment through a cooperative partnership between the police and the community.
Statistics show that greater numbers of youth, regardless of their socio-economic, racial and ethnic background are at risk. The Miramar PAL’s belief is that every child can experience success provided they receive the opportunity. Miramar PAL’s goal is to provide youth with those opportunities through activities which build character and self-esteem, foster positive relationships, enhance self-awareness and promote good citizenship. Such activities are a major undertaking and requires the support of parents, community leaders, police officers, businesses and the general public.
We ask and thank you for your support of the Miramar Police Athletic League and in sharing our commitment in the advancement of our community’s youth.